The crossed-arm position behind the back, as seen in gote or takatekote forms, represents one of the biggest challenges when delving into the shibari style of Yagami Ryu.
Read more: Arm Position in "Gote-like" Shibari Forms
The crossed-arm position behind the back, as seen in gote or takatekote forms, represents one of the biggest challenges when delving into the shibari style of Yagami Ryu.
Read more: Arm Position in "Gote-like" Shibari Forms
En Yagami Ryu hay dos formas o maneras de aplicar la técnica, son el modo fluido (TOGINAWA) y el modo estricto (SHODEN).
Read more: 2 Formas de Aplicar la Técnica
Las restricciones son técnicas que se basan más en nuestras capacidades mentales (calma, percepción, decisión, adaptabilidad, técnica y conciencia global) que en la fuerza muscular.